No really.
This is for real.
I'm typing out a blog entry cause I'm just super-mind-effingly crazy bored.
TV sucks. The internet sucks. Chocolate sucks. Books suck. (cowers in fear of le fearsome book gods striking wee little me down)
*insert le dramatic 'ugh' here*
^SEE? This is why being bored is bad for me. I start sounding like a California beach blonde/Valley girl who doesn't appreciate the full gamut of expression afforded by the English language.
In other words, I sound, like, stupidly stupid.
*more ugh-ing ensues*
So I did this stupid little thing where I type into Google - I'm so effing bored (only I swore properly). And, Jesus shit, there are others like me out there apparently. Check this out:
I know, right? Isn't it super-cool? Urban Dictionary actually has an entry for it!
I find this alternatively hilarious and depressing. Hilarious because, well, jeez, there's a bleedin' entry for this kind of crap ! xD And depressing cause people think the appropriate cure for boredom is sharing your woes with Google.
Google is a search engine, not your counsellor, people.
Although, obviously, my brain is not willing to accept this state of events cause I'm crying to Google too. I feel not so great 'bout me right now.
But okay, like then I started doing that thing where I go to a web page and check out weird links. Of course, I'm not particularly enthused about knowing what poopsock meant, nor do I wanna know why you're so bad wanna suck your own d***, so I held back but apparently:
Cenosillicaphobia is fear of an empty glass.
Da da da DUM.
I'm sure that has some deep, philosophical meaning to it, but really, right now? So not in a mood to figure it out. Of course, now I'm stuck with a completely useless piece of nonsense in my head. I wish I could just delete it. *ugh* *yes, the 'ugh' again. let me see you trying not to ugh when you're mindlessly bored*
I wish I was Sherlock and I could just forget all the useless stuff. Who needs to know the Earth revolves around the Sun anyway? Bloody useless for an aspiring banker, you know. (<that was a Sherlock reference, btw. Worry not, I know exactly how the solar system works. Well, atleast whatever they taught in the second grade. Stopped paying attention after that.)
Meh. If I was Sherlock, I guess I wouldn't be able to appreciate his yummiliciousness. That boy is wonderfully yum and I absolutely cannot wait for January 3rd. (Season 3 preimiere - flibberty gibbets YAY!!!) Come soon to mamma darling. Oh and if you've been going through Cumberbatchian withdrawal like me, here's something to keep you afloat:
Look at him. Yummy. Adorable. And British to boot.
Really, asking for more would simply be rude.
And now I've run out of things to think about. Maybe I'll lie down and stare at my nightlight. Maybe I'll read something until I fall asleep. Maybe I'll check the freezer for ice cream again (even though I know there isn't any, because really, it might appear in the corner. It could happen. Really)
Gah. I'm just bored.
Are you?
Leave a comment if you are. Perhaps we should revel in our mutual boredom. How poetic that shall be. Ta!
This is for real.
I'm typing out a blog entry cause I'm just super-mind-effingly crazy bored.
TV sucks. The internet sucks. Chocolate sucks. Books suck. (cowers in fear of le fearsome book gods striking wee little me down)
*insert le dramatic 'ugh' here*
^SEE? This is why being bored is bad for me. I start sounding like a California beach blonde/Valley girl who doesn't appreciate the full gamut of expression afforded by the English language.
In other words, I sound, like, stupidly stupid.
*more ugh-ing ensues*
So I did this stupid little thing where I type into Google - I'm so effing bored (only I swore properly). And, Jesus shit, there are others like me out there apparently. Check this out:
I know, right? Isn't it super-cool? Urban Dictionary actually has an entry for it!
I find this alternatively hilarious and depressing. Hilarious because, well, jeez, there's a bleedin' entry for this kind of crap ! xD And depressing cause people think the appropriate cure for boredom is sharing your woes with Google.
Google is a search engine, not your counsellor, people.
Although, obviously, my brain is not willing to accept this state of events cause I'm crying to Google too. I feel not so great 'bout me right now.
But okay, like then I started doing that thing where I go to a web page and check out weird links. Of course, I'm not particularly enthused about knowing what poopsock meant, nor do I wanna know why you're so bad wanna suck your own d***, so I held back but apparently:
Cenosillicaphobia is fear of an empty glass.
Da da da DUM.
I'm sure that has some deep, philosophical meaning to it, but really, right now? So not in a mood to figure it out. Of course, now I'm stuck with a completely useless piece of nonsense in my head. I wish I could just delete it. *ugh* *yes, the 'ugh' again. let me see you trying not to ugh when you're mindlessly bored*
I wish I was Sherlock and I could just forget all the useless stuff. Who needs to know the Earth revolves around the Sun anyway? Bloody useless for an aspiring banker, you know. (<that was a Sherlock reference, btw. Worry not, I know exactly how the solar system works. Well, atleast whatever they taught in the second grade. Stopped paying attention after that.)
Meh. If I was Sherlock, I guess I wouldn't be able to appreciate his yummiliciousness. That boy is wonderfully yum and I absolutely cannot wait for January 3rd. (Season 3 preimiere - flibberty gibbets YAY!!!) Come soon to mamma darling. Oh and if you've been going through Cumberbatchian withdrawal like me, here's something to keep you afloat:
Look at him. Yummy. Adorable. And British to boot.
Really, asking for more would simply be rude.
And now I've run out of things to think about. Maybe I'll lie down and stare at my nightlight. Maybe I'll read something until I fall asleep. Maybe I'll check the freezer for ice cream again (even though I know there isn't any, because really, it might appear in the corner. It could happen. Really)
Gah. I'm just bored.
Are you?
Leave a comment if you are. Perhaps we should revel in our mutual boredom. How poetic that shall be. Ta!